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Audition Information

Chorale Audition Date:  by appointment beginning August 26, 2024 at 7:00PM   

Schedule Appointments:  Register in the form on the Home page.  You will be contacted to set up a time for your audition.

Location:  Auditions will be held in the Conference Center at the California Center for Arts, Escondido.


Description of Audition session:

The audition will be with the conductor of the Center Chorale and an accompanist and will consist of three parts:  singing a short vocal solo, a vocalization to determine range, vowel color and vocal timbre, and a sight reading exercise.

1. Sing a short vocal solo of no more than one minute in length.  Each singer may choose their own song or choose one of the suggested songs below.  If one chooses a song other than those listed, the singer must bring two legal copies of the musical score to the audition. Suggested song scores are available below.

2. Vocalization will be on a pure vowel, either ‘ah’ or ‘oh’ ascending and descending the scale for establishment of vocal range.  

3. Sight reading will be from a standard vocal score with piano accompaniment. 


Upon notification of acceptance in the Center Chorale, the singer will be expected to do the following:

1. Register full information with the Center Chorale, including name, address, phone(s) and email.

2. Pay $150 for the concert year.   The payment must be made in full by the third rehearsal. Credit card or check.

3. Purchase apparel for concert performances.  Women will be expected to purchase a dress (to be chosen by an apparel committee), and men will be expected to purchase a black, standard tuxedo, with white shirt (wing-tip) and black bow tie and cummerbund.

4. Commit to attending scheduled rehearsals each Monday evening, 7 to 9:30.

5. Commit to being present for extra rehearsals and performances.

6. It is expected that members will assist in organizational operations.

Scores and Downloads

For your audition, please prepare a short solo either from the selections here, or you may choose a song of your own. All selections in PDF format listed are public domain legal postings.

If you bring a selection to your scheduled audition other than those shown here, please bring two copies, one for you (if needed) and one for the accompanist. The accompanist's score should be a complete piano/vocal score not a chart with chord symbols only. 

Your prepared piece should be no longer than one minute, and it  need not be memorized.


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