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Membership in the Center Chorale is by audition only

In order to become a member, contact John Nettles, Conductor to schedule an appointment for an audition and register by clicking on the button on the Home page. The audition process can be found by clicking on the Audition Information tab.


Rehearsals to be located at the Center for the Arts, Escondido in the Conference Center which is located off of Maple Street and Valley Pkwy. A directional map is available for download on this page.


Upon notification of acceptance in the Center Chorale, the singer will be expected to do the following:

1.  Register full information with the Center Chorale, including name, address, phone and email by clicking on the registration button for adults on the Home Page.

2.  Pay $150 for the concert season, Sept-June, ($75 if joining in Jan-June).  The payment must be made by the third rehearsal.

3.  Purchase apparel for concert performances.  Women will be expected to purchase a dress (to be chosen by an apparel committee), and men will be expected to purchase a black, standard tuxedo, with white shirt (wing-tip) and black bow tie and cummerbund.

4.  Commit to attending scheduled rehearsals each Monday evening, 7 to 9:30.

5.  Our concert dates are scheduled a year in advance. It is expected that singers will make rehearsals and performances a first priority. 

6. Also expected- members will assistance in the organizational operations when possible.



CCAE Conference Center Map.jpg
Center Chorale Registration
Voice Part:

You will be contacted with an audition time. Thanks for submitting!

Thank you for your interest in singing in The Center Chorale
Payment of $75 can be made by clicking the button below or your
first rehearsal with cash, check, credit card.

It is not necessary to fill out the form again if you have already this season.  Thanks!

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